Clinical Corner
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An Overview of Surgical Glues, Sealants and Other Adhesives
What is the purpose of surgical glues or sealants? There are many medical…
What is a Surgical Wound?
Sue Dieter MS, RN, CWS Surgical wounds are those created from a surgical…
Outpatient Joint Replacements: A Guide For Patients
Outpatient (or, “same-day”) ambulatory joint replacement surgeries — such as hip, knee, partial…
Venous Leg Ulcers, the 4Ds and Expected Healing Outcomes
What is a venous leg ulcer? Venous leg ulcers are some of the…
Impact of Obesity on Skin Integrity and Wound Healing
What is obesity? Obesity is defined as a body mass index of greater…
Wound Irrigation: Methods, Equipment, and Techniques
What is wound irrigation? Irrigation is an important aspect of wound cleansing and…
Surgical Site Drains: Benefits and Risks
Why do some patients need a surgical drain? Surgical wound dehiscence and surgical…
When can I shower or take a bath after surgery?
A traditional concept regarding surgical wounds and bathing is that the water touching…
The Importance of a Slightly Acidic pH in Skin and Wound Care
What is pH? The scientific term “pH” is an abbreviation that stands for…
Treating a Post-Surgical Seroma or Hematoma
A hematoma is generally defined as a collection of blood outside of blood…