Safety and Versatility
- The inherent properties of amniotic tissue harness growth factors essential for supporting damaged tissue and providing mechanical protection. 1,2
- The TEXAGEN process preserves the inherent properties of amniotic tissue, maintaining key extracellular matrix molecules, growth factors, and cytokines.3
- Handled and processed in accordance with FDA regulations and AATB standards

Designed for Convenience
- Requires no up-front preparation
- Hydrates rapidly in the surgical site
- Ambient temperature storage and 5-year shelf life

Used in multiple clinical applications
Wound and
Burn Care
Oral Surgery

Spine and
and Ankle
1. Rowlatt, U. (1979). Intrauterine wound healing in a 20-week human fetus.
Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol, 381(3), 353–361.
2. Coolen, N.A et al. (2010). Comparison between human fetal and adult skin. Archives of
Dermatological Research, 302(1),47-55.
3.Delcroix GJ, Namin S, D’Ippolito G, Temple HT, Marshall R. Preserving the natural regenerative potential of
amniotic membrane. Vivex Biologics, Inc.
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