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Scientific Publications

Peer-reviewed clinical and scientific publications offer insights into the latest advancements in medicine and healthcare. Publications are a valuable resource for professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge, stay informed on cutting-edge research, and apply evidence-based practices to improve patient care and outcomes.


The following site is intended for use by Healthcare Providers. By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are engaged in making clinical practice decisions for the care on an individual patient.

  1. Evans DC, Evans BG. The Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Activated Collagen on Wound Healing in Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. Orthopedics. 2018 Mar 1;41(2):e262-e267. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20180213-05. Epub 2018 Feb 19. PMID: 29451945.
    Abstract Access
  2. Gitelman A (2022) The Use of Sterile Bovine Type 1 Hydrolyzed Collagen to Support Surgical Wound Management: A Case Series. JSM Neurosurg Spine 9(1): 1108.
    Article Access
  3. Salamone AB, Salamone JC, McMahon RE, Poleon S, Bionda N, D'Arpa P. Synergistic Effect and Antibiofilm Activity of a Skin and Wound Cleanser. Wounds. 2020 Aug;32(8):208-216. Epub 2020 May 7. PMID: 32804659.
    Article Access
  4. McMahon RE, Salamone AB, Poleon S, Bionda N, Salamone JC. Efficacy of Wound Cleansers on Wound-Specific Organisms Using In Vitro and Ex Vivo Biofilm Models. Wound Manag Prev. 2020 Nov;66(11):31-42. PMID: 33206627.
    Article Access

Additional Publications

Medical Articles published in peer reviewed journals that may contain scientific information on unapproved uses (SIUU) of approved medical products.

In order to proceed please review the following information:

The following publications have been assessed as scientifically sound and clinically relevant. The articles are truthful, non-misleading, factual, and unbiased and include all information necessary for HCPs to interpret the strengths and weaknesses and validity and utility of the information about the unapproved use in their own professional practice. They have been published in peer reviewed journals and are presented in their entire format. SIUU material is identified at the end of each paper.

Publications on Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder

The FDA cleared indications for CellerateRX Surgical Powder (per the package insert) are for use in the management of acute and chronic wounds, including surgical wounds, partial- and full-thickness wounds, traumatic wounds, venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and first- and second-degree burns.

  1. Hydrolyzed Versus Native Collagen in Management of Acute Surgical Wounds: A Literature Review. Carie S. Tucker King, David M. Lambert, Susan Dieter, Brenda R. Sims
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  2. Activated Collagen Powder Significantly Reduces Surgical Site Infection in Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery. Ryan Nowrouzi, Samir S. Awad.
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Publications on PHMB synergistic irrigation

The FDA cleared indications for BIASURGE Advanced Surgical Solution (per the package insert) are for use in mechanical cleansing and removal of debris, including microorganisms from wounds.

The following publication has been reviewed. The article contains information on CellerateRX Surgical Powder that has potential scientific information on unapproved uses:

  • CellerateRX Surgical Powder is indicated for use in the management of acute and chronic wounds, including surgical wounds, partial- and full-thickness wounds, traumatic wounds, venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and first- and second-degree burns.
  • CellerateRX Surgical Powder should be applied over the entire wound bed and the edges of the wound and covered with an appropriate dressing.
  • Infected wounds should be treated per physician direction.
  • The potential unapproved use(s) of the medical product has not been reviewed by FDA and the safety and effectiveness of the medical device for any unapproved use(s) has not been established.
Article Access

The following publication has been reviewed. The article contains information on CellerateRX Surgical Powder that has potential scientific information on unapproved uses:

  • CellerateRX Surgical Powder is indicated for use in the management of acute and chronic wounds, including surgical wounds, partial- and full-thickness wounds, traumatic wounds, venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and first- and second-degree burns.
  • CellerateRX Surgical Powder should be applied over the entire wound bed and the edges of the wound and covered with an appropriate dressing.
  • Infected wounds should be treated per physician direction.
  • The potential unapproved use(s) of the medical product has not been reviewed by FDA and the safety and effectiveness of the medical device for any unapproved use(s) has not been established.
Article Access