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ALLOCYTE® Plus Advanced
Viable Bone Matrix

ALLOCYTE® Plus Advanced Viable Bone Matrix is a next-
generation cellular bone allograft with viable, bone-derived
progenitor cells and DMSO-free cryoprotectant.

ALLOCYTE® Plus Advanced Viable Bone Matrix

Distinguishing Features

  • Handling:

    Demineralized cortical bone fibers provide robust and conformable handling. Packaged in an open bore syringe to allow delivery directly from the syringe.
  • Non-cytotoxic:

    Cryopreserved using a DMSO-free cryoprotectant, eliminating the need to rinse and decant the tissue prior to implantation.
  • Viable Cell Population:

    1.5 million viable cells per cc of allograft ideal for osteogenic supplementation.
Distinguishing Features

Graft viability post thaw

4 Hours

Thaw in warm saline without decanting for

10 Minutes

Cell viability post-thaw is at least


of initial viable and active cell count


Cells protected by proprietary cryoprotectant

  • Protective coating preserves allograft and prevents crack propogation and membrane lysis
  • Non-cytotoxic, non-DMSO
ALLOCYTE® Plus Advanced Viable Bone Matrix Proprietary DMSO-free cryoprotectant
ALLOCYTE® Plus Advanced
Viable Bone Matrix Proprietary
DMSO-free cryoprotectant
2.5% DMSO solution
2.5% DMSO solution

Cytotoxicity assay showing higher number of viable cells in media containing up to 10% cryoprotectant (left) compared to media containing 2.5% DMSO (right), after 48 hours incubation period.


  • 1. Data on file.
  • 2. Data on file

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